Wednesday, July 2, 2008

> the soul’s best friend

after many years, it still amazes me how people can still be puzzled, suspicious and critical of how comfortable i am with solitude.
does solitude convey negative visions of loneliness and isolation....?

that’s so understandable.....we are social beings and we derive a large portion of our happiness from our connections to and relationships with others. our lives is spent in search of forming, and then nurturing linkages.....girlfriend+boyfriend, husband+wife, perhaps wife+lover vice-versa....
and being alone is generally viewed with derision or pity and typically equated with loneliness......... yes?

but strangely..., when i was dating someone decades ago, i was often lonelier than me when i said that being alone is better than a doubtful relationship!

many times have i been told, ' you shouldn't be alone ! '
once any of these linkages, or couplings, ends for whatever reason, the pressure is substantial to be ' with ' some-one or several some-ones.

' you mean you went to a movie and dinner by yourself, pity... ? ' this is asked as though it were against the rules to behave in this manner as though it was odd to enjoy these things by myself, ...well...not that i don't have friends..i am fortunate enough to have many good friends, some close ones with fantastic to see them,to talk to them, to ' do stuff ' with them....

it just that...sometimes, i love to just be alone. It's not a garbo-esque kind of thing. it's not melo-dramatic.... it's just….well....., easier........ i don’t have to have a meeting to decide when to go somewhere - 10 points!... or where i want to go....i just go - another 10 points!. ' stuff ' i like from am to am - 50 points! and dreaming my own dreams - lots of points!..sometimes i can just sit and watch the world go by... yes... it can be idleness but it can also be ultimately very fulfilling.....

solitude can be every bit as exhilarating as companionship sometimes.......but of course.....i had to find companionship before i figured that out


  1. what if I fall in between those 2category? I agree with you and just love to be alone, at times. But I also love to love somebody.Loving somebody wholeheartedly and have my own time to be alone - I have both. I guess I am selfish!
    Maybe you should try that too!

  2. being an only child myself, I have learned (or forced upon me) to love solitude, being alone, no one to talk to, just me myself and I....
    Even for the past few years I have been spending maybe 60% of the time alone... albeit I have a wife and kids somewhere... but I am still alone.... I wouldn't say it is torture.... I can find some enjoyment in it....

    Tapi kalau pergi Karaoke kena ramai-ramai kot? Amacam?

  3. Solitude is something that is a major part of my life having been brought up in a gilded cage. It was difficult for me to adjust to a life amongst friends in college. But I finally found being with friends is far better than being with one's own family.

    Then, being in relationships can be nice but at times tiring as I'm the kind of person who'd let the other person do almost anything that she wants, have things her way, and try to be happy with it.

    That is why I got married without any reason for being fed up of being in love. It's only now, a year now that I'm beginning to learn how to love again.

    And it's better than being solitary.

  4. spena,
    u r enjoying the best of both worlds jeles

    sedih nya..will all be over soon...u r coming back in kl right ;)
    karaoke? anytime ok

    true sometimes the simplicity of being alone can be damn boring after all...that is why we need to organize a pot luck super party again...hihihi

  5. Have FUN in whatever u do and decide!!! ;-)

  6. patut la .... nak kemas rumah tu alasan je ye????... tak pe... now i know where i stand.....

  7. superparty on July 12th ye.. reminder reminder...

    i love going shopping alone komar.. hehehehe.. dari pagi sampai malam pun takpe okeh...

  8. neome, u too beb! ;)

    aiz, betul kemas rumah le....ya ya i know where u will stand on this friday-night hihi

    jz, lambatnya nk sampai 12th ni haha
    i kalau shopping, sorang2 ok, ramai2 pun ok....u should see thebo & gang membeli belah yesterday...surreal beb ;)

  9. We need people like Thebo to keep the economy running...

    I pun nak bukak shopping mall lah macam ni. can shop better than you can stay awake.

  10. hahahahaha dah lama tak shopping la.... kelakar betul1
